Clackamas River Trail #715
This popular trail is mostly forested, has a nice variety of moderate terrain and offers great views of the Clackamas River. There are several scenic attractions along this riverside trail including beaches, old growth forest and waterfalls; including the 230 foot tall Pup Creek Falls. There are several large flat areas that provide opportunities for camping, picnicking and fishing access.
This trail can be accessed from the Fish Creek Campground (920’) or the Indian Henry Campground (1,280’). Hiking the trail from the Indian Henry Trailhead is suggested. The Clackamas Canyon Wilderness section starts at Indian Henry Trailhead and ends at Pup Creek.
Crossing Pup Creek during high water can be extremely difficult. From the Fish Creek Campground trailhead, Pup Creek Falls is a short hike from the trail and worth the small effort. The spur trail to Pup Creek Falls is 3.6 miles from the Fish Creek Trailhead and 3.9 miles from the Indian Henry Campground. Use caution with small children and pets where the trail climbs above cliffs.
Trail Description and Map (PDF File)